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Norton Healthcare
Neuroscience Institute

Care that Starts with Accessibility

Front desk of Neuroscience Institute, wood panelling and blue accents
47,000 Square Feet
Louisville, KY

DesignGroup collaborated with Norton Healthcare on this 45,000 SF redesign of the third and fourth floor of an existing medical office building to create the new home for the Norton Neuroscience Institute (NNI). The NNI design is focused around patients and staff, with clinical space designed to maximize ease of use and flexibility for each center of excellence.

Hospital work space, open concept desks
Norton Neuroscience Institute front desk with light wood paneling

The newly designed NNI expands upon the Norton brand, letting visitors know they have arrived at a comprehensive clinical specialty office dedicated to the health of the human brain. Each floor is designed around a centrally located lobby that utilizes artwork and interactive design elements, offering a high-tech and museum-like “wow factor” right off the elevators.

Lobby space with waiting room

The lobby and waiting area is designed in a concentric circle with subspecialty clinics radiating like spokes from the hub, creating an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration, which is especially important when dealing with complex cases typical of a neuroscience patient. This provides ease of access to treatment spaces for neuroscience patients with vision or mobility deficiencies. The staff work in the outermost ring – in shared work zones along the perimeter – creating an offstage collaborative work environment with freedom to collaborate and share resources across the different centers as well as maximize access to natural light.

Physical rehab space featuring a nurse helping a man with a walker surrounded by exercise equipment

Additionally, visitors will feel as though they are at the center of care, having the subspecialties come to them rather than having to make multiple appointments with each. The lobby and waiting area is a calm and relaxed setting with plenty of natural light and conversational seating clusters. Educational content will be displayed throughout the area digitally and with neuro-inspired art. Most of the subspecialty clinics will occupy the 3rd floor, adding 55 exam rooms dedicated to neuroscience outpatient care.

Nurse organizing medical equipment in a patient room
Hospital hallway with abstract art

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