Jennifer Horvath
President, Managing Principal
Every now and then you have a moment that stands out. When you know your life is about to change. That’s how Jennifer remembers her interview at DesignGroup more than a decade ago.
“I was yearning to be challenged by my colleagues, and to challenge all those around me,” she recalls. “It was clear on day one this was the journey I could be on. Yet I couldn’t imagine how fulfilling working with this team would be every day. It continues to give back.”
A lot of that giving comes from her teammates, who continue to empower, challenge, and motivate her. DesignGroup’s uniquely collaborative spirit, the push and pull of vision and execution, is what drives her and everyone around her. As president of the firm, Jennifer’s role is to define and develop business, strategy, and growth. Not surprisingly, her favorite accomplishment isn’t a specific project, but the creation and cultivation of DesignGroup’s thriving Pittsburgh office. Growing it from an idea to a studio of 13 professionals is a career highlight.
Outside work, Jennifer loves spending time with family and friends – usually (no surprise) doing the entertaining. And when that’s not enough for her seemingly endless source of energy, she goes outside for a run. Nothing slows her down.