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The Ohio State University
Atwell Hall Renovation

Simulation and Research Space for Future Professionals

Anatomy Lab Classroom with students, teachers, and display screens
Education, Science & Technology
8,200 Square Feet
Columbus, OH

This Atwell Hall Renovation is comprised of 4 main components: an Athletic Training Lab, a Patient Simulation Space, an Active Learning Classroom and an Innovative Research Lab. DesignGroup worked individually with stakeholders from each of these groups over several months to create ideal spaces which will function exactly as needed for the faculty, students and visiting patients.

The Athletic Training Lab is the only space currently existing and the goal of this project was to move the Lab into a new area with more generous proportions, to provide adequate space for Physical Therapy tables, students to work together around central demonstration tables as well as upgrade the technology and A/V components for flexibility in teaching both in person and remotely.

Large Classroom with Movable Partitions
Large Classroom with Movable Partitions

In the building there is an open 2-story former broadcasting/recording studio. The University felt this space would be better utilized as 2 separate floors: the lower portion becomes the Research Lab and the upper portion becomes the Active Learning Classroom. The Classroom is an area large enough to accommodate over 50 students. The furniture in this room will be flexible for various group configurations & components for different learning scenarios as well as be equipped for a-synchronous and synchronous learning. 

The Research Lab will be one of the only kind on campus. The room is open but folding partitions allow the room to be segmented into smaller more intimate zones. This flexibility is imperative and a great deal of creativity and imagination was required to not only figure out how to compartmentalize the space to accommodate different types of tests but also to provide power to the equipment required for each zone and to create sound isolation for each of the smaller spaces.

The Simulation Lab(s) are comprised of an ICU simulation area to replicate hospital operations and an Active Daily Living Lab which simulates a residential apartment. These rooms are equipped with video and sound components which allow all students and patients to be monitored from a separate control room.

classroom with desks organized in groups

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You may be able to do more than you realize with an existing academic building. Or you may find a new build better future-proofs your institution for changing student needs. We know these are major decisions. We’re eager to learn what you need, and how we can help.